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Story Title: Not Provided

Contributor Name: Anonymous
Created: May 2, 2020 at 5:38 PM

Story: What are your experiences teaching & learning in the time of coronavirus?

This pandemic has changed everyones life, the virus didn't discriminate and it came for everyone. This situation has made a shift on the plan I had for this year. Many things that I was looking forward too got canceled, a plan to start changing in order to better myself has completely taken a turn. I think the worst thing that came out of this, was how if affected my family financially. Prior to this pandemic money was already a problem at home, and when this hit my dad got let go from his job and my mom who is a street vendor and relied on schools for her income completely stopped working. Our mental health just went down hill from all the stress we carried each day, trying to figure out how we were going to pay for bills, rent, and food. I started looking for jobs and after a long time of searching and going on interviews I finally was able to get a job at a fast food restaurant. This was good because it meant that we were getting some sort of income, but it wasn't so good for my overall stability in my daily life. I have a day off in which I try and get most of my school work done, I do more school work before leaving to work, and I can't find time for myself. I see how other people keep saying that quarantine has them bored out of their minds, that they have too much time in their hands, and it makes me crave that time to focus on me and slow down for a second. One thing quarantine gave was appreciation for time and life in general, I won't take for granted things like hanging out with friends, being able to just walk around without having your breathing restricting because of the face mask, I also won't take for granted being in the public around other people that might be strangers, but its nice to be around people.

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