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Story Title: College Experience with COVID-19

Contributor Name: Jaden Graves
Created: December 13, 2020 at 8:27 PM

Story: What are your experiences teaching & learning in the time of coronavirus?

 A lot of significant events occurred in my life during this COVID-19 outbreak. I remember when my school decided to go to remote-based teaching in mid March. At the time it was a relief for me but after days had passed I began to miss close friends, teachers, and school activities. It made me realize how much I had been accustomed to face-to-face large peer group classrooms. The social distancing and the remote learning also made me realize how unadaptable I was to change. When you do something for so long that has unchanging schedule and routine you can sometimes get too comfortable with these ways of living and working. While this idea may not be applicable to everyone I definitely found applicable to me. As the outbreak continued, I went on to community college and took all remote learning classes because face-to-face learning was no longer optional. During the beginning of the semester I was in a pretty good state of focus, setting out goals to complete assignments and to dedicate crucial time to studying. After some time I began to lose focus and began to feel quite down at times. For me, I believe it was just the overall remote learning experience that brought me down. Week after week it was just the same thing over and over again, just boring assignments and tests. No change of scenery or activities, just admiring a computer screen for half the day. On a personal level, it's been a roller coaster of emotions. One minute you're excited that you're finally finished with that two-page essay you had the write, then you're upset because you realize you have to stay glued to the computer screen because you have other assignments to do (just for example). On a positive note, I can say that this whole experience has shined a new light on how to remain resilient and happy during times of such commotion and distress. Furthermore, I believe challenges like these are just obstacles the world puts in front of us to test our might, love, and unity for one another.

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