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Story Title: Making Lemonade out of Lemons

Contributor Name: Anonymous
Created: April 9, 2020 at 6:47 PM

Story: What are your experiences teaching & learning in the time of coronavirus?

One of the major changes in my teaching is that everything has been moved online.  I already have most of my class on BeachBoard, and all of my classes are using e-books, so the only changes are configuring exams online and having Zoom office hours and class sessions.  I have also uploaded class lectures on my Connect platform, and I have shown students how to upload their own individual presentations on software I have integrated with my courseware.  They are also required to use Zoom for their group presentations, so my students are learning new skills as well.  

This shirt online has not been too disruptive because I took a class a few years ago on how to convert my classes online.  I have also been working with my publishing representative over the past few years to develop tools that support online learning for a hybrid classroom.  I'm glad that I was proactive, and this was because my department chair had been encouraging more of our instruction to move online.  

At my other position, working as an Intervention Teacher within the Los Angeles Unified School District, most of the teachers I work with have no experience teaching online, so I was able to train my staff and administrators on how to develop virtual classrooms.  I also provided a list of digital resources that teachers can use in their classrooms.  I was also to distribute technology to most of the students at my school, and they are able to continue their instruction at home since I also implemented and trained students and staff on a computer-based ELA and math program for the entire school.  I remain on call for staff and parents who have technology issues, and this has helped out a lot to help keep students learning at home.

I definitely see the difference in online learning between the two campuses where i work: at CSULB learning continues on quite smoothly, and at Holmes Avenue Elementary, learning has mostly stopped.  Both schools serve roughly the same demographic population, but the economic differences are great. The students at the bottom of the economic ladder are suffering the most, and they are our most vulnerable population.

As far as my personal and professional life, I feel more relaxed because I don't have to run around town every day trying to get to work.  I have had my bank call me twice just to make sure that I am still employed and can pay off my loans; the agent said it was great to hear good news from me, since most of his other clients are struggling.  I know that my entire family is extremely fortunate, and I am grateful for that.  

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