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Story Title: with covid-19

Contributor Name: Anonymous
Created: April 12, 2020 at 1:53 AM

Story: What are your experiences teaching & learning in the time of coronavirus?

My university announced that we are proceeding the rest of the semester via online. Graduation is postponed as of now, but what I’m really disappointed about is the cancellation of my first international trip to Japan and Korea that I had planned for this summer. It’s not life or death that I go on this trip, but I’ve been saving up with my part-time job for a year and a half now so you can imagine my disappointment. To turn this around, however, with the recession and all, and everyone in my family but me being unemployed, I’m using the trip money saved for bills and such. I’m really bummed out, but I’m trying hard to see the bigger picture.

the show must go on.

A few things have been running through my mind as of late; I’ve been reflecting on the privilege I had to have so many different spaces to foster my learning. Before the cancellation of direct learning, I commuted back and forth from my parents home to my school apartment on a weekly basis. Doing this for 4 years, it has sort of been instilled in me that the weekends are for going to work and the weekdays(when I’m at school) are for studying. I don’t have a proper desk at my parent’s house, so I’ve been sitting on a futon that’s 12 inches away from my bed. I also share a room with my sister, who thankfully is understanding that I have to attend virtual school from now on, but that doesn't make me any less hesitant to speak through my microphone.

Now that I’m moved out of my apartment, premature to my lease, I’m living in my family home for the rest of the semester, and since it’s also my last year, I won’t ever find myself back in my university city any time soon. It has been a struggle to figure out how to wake up for remote classes when I’m not forced to “show up”. I’m living in my pjs more than ever, especially with the mandated quarantine, and it’s not healthy for my mindset to always be stuck in this potato mode haha. 

It’s so much easier to hide from responsibilities…and that’s not a good thing. I hope things begin to look up, and I’ll hopefully figure out how to navigate the rest of this semester.

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